Sunday, July 7, 2019

Tech Makes the Difference

Tech Makes the Difference 

Remember when you could pay cash for a candy bar and no one knew about your purchase of that candy bar stated between you and the candy store? Those days are now behind us. Every exchange that you make can be traced in a thousand different ways. 

Did you use your credit card on your last purchase? Your credit card now knows what time of day you usually purchase candy. Did you use your rewards card at the grocery store? That store now knows where you prefer to buy your candy. Do you buy this candy often? If you do, the grocery store knows what time of the month, the week and if it’s your morning or afternoon snack. 

Why is this important? Because Instagram can track your location and if you purchase a candy from Wegman’s frequently and you’re buy a Wegman’s Instagram says hey Wegman’s this is part of your target audience and you should send her a buy two get one free. Wegman’s uses Instagram to send you the code and you spend the rest of the day assuming that this act of God was some random luck. 

Admit it, they know you better than you know you. 

Where in the Tech Are We Going

Where in the Tech are we going?

Technology is like one huge spaceship and it continues to take us for a ride! Where are we going next? No where, because technology is coming to us this time. 

Crazy it may seem, but could you imagine not having to pull out your phone to see your phone screen? With a holographic projection, you could see your Instagram on the palm of your hand. 

Upside? No more losing your phone. Downside? The chance of your back becoming someone’s iPhone screen on the subway. 

So where in the tech are we going? No where! Because tech is coming to us! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Curls for the Girls! And tricks for the School year!


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Night-before care is a must! With school approaching, it's so important to prep your hair whether its twist, braids or a slicked back pony, prepping the night before gives you that extra snooze on the alarm clock.


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Switch it UP! Does she have a sew-in? NO, she has a wig! Wigs are the new to-do! But, you must pick them right! Lace front wigs are your best bet, it gives you the authentic look without the pain of having to leave it on for three months. OR DIY girl! Sew your lace closures and bundles on a cap and use the clip or sew it around the perimeter!

Too short? Too thin?

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CLIP-INS! There are plenty of sites that have curly and kinky clip-ins and they match every hair type! A cheaper route? Use your bundles! Pick up some clips at the beauty supply and get to sewing!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ben Carson Causes Controversy

The tweet are going off about what Doctor Ben Carson had to say regarding Trump’s family and their ‘disadvantaged life’.

“All of the Trump children are absolutely delightful people. And I think that speaks volumes about the man. Anybody who can raise children, particularly in the environment they came up in, which I think is a disadvantaged environment. Because I know a lot of people who are very rich and their kids are so spoiled, and I think it’s a disadvantage. I really do.”

This quote that was made by Carson has upset many.

Carson also accuses Hillary Clinton of being mentored by someone who acknowledged Lucifer in a book.

“This is a nation where every coin in our pocket, and every bill in our wallet says, “In God We Trust. So, are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer? Think about that.”

Melania Trump Trumps her Speech

The wife of Donald Trump speaks openly at the convention of her ‘struggles’ and growing up with values of ‘hard work’. Not long after the crowd had applauded her seemingly heartfelt speech, critics everywhere realized that Melania’s speech had been spoken for. Michelle Obama included many of the same lines in her speech and Melania repeated them almost verbatim. Plagiarism or plagiarism? That's what the public wants to know. Melania is throwing her speech writer under the bus for this one. Maybe a set-up? Maybe not. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Treasure Your Tradition This July 4th!

Pay close attention this holiday and don’t let granny's recipes go to waste! Recently, I, thinking nothing of it, called my granny for her potato salad recipe and slayed it the first try! The infamous recipe was passed down from my great-grandmother to my granny from her catering service. The dish is requested by everyone in Richmond and in high demand in our family! Little did I know, that after I had made my masterpiece, I was the only person in the family ever to successfully remake her potato salad! This is a friendly reminder to let your family’s recipes and traditions continue! The best thing at the cookout this year just may be a lesson in the kitchen!