Night-before care is a must! With school approaching, it's so important to prep your hair whether its twist, braids or a slicked back pony, prepping the night before gives you that extra snooze on the alarm clock.
Switch it UP! Does she have a sew-in? NO, she has a wig! Wigs are the new to-do! But, you must pick them right! Lace front wigs are your best bet, it gives you the authentic look without the pain of having to leave it on for three months. OR DIY girl! Sew your lace closures and bundles on a cap and use the clip or sew it around the perimeter!
Too short? Too thin?

CLIP-INS! There are plenty of sites that have curly and kinky clip-ins and they match every hair type! A cheaper route? Use your bundles! Pick up some clips at the beauty supply and get to sewing!