Sunday, July 7, 2019

Tech Makes the Difference

Tech Makes the Difference 

Remember when you could pay cash for a candy bar and no one knew about your purchase of that candy bar stated between you and the candy store? Those days are now behind us. Every exchange that you make can be traced in a thousand different ways. 

Did you use your credit card on your last purchase? Your credit card now knows what time of day you usually purchase candy. Did you use your rewards card at the grocery store? That store now knows where you prefer to buy your candy. Do you buy this candy often? If you do, the grocery store knows what time of the month, the week and if it’s your morning or afternoon snack. 

Why is this important? Because Instagram can track your location and if you purchase a candy from Wegman’s frequently and you’re buy a Wegman’s Instagram says hey Wegman’s this is part of your target audience and you should send her a buy two get one free. Wegman’s uses Instagram to send you the code and you spend the rest of the day assuming that this act of God was some random luck. 

Admit it, they know you better than you know you. 

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